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Workplace Accidents

workplace accident

Alaska Workplace Accident Injury Lawyer

The potential for a serious accident exists at all jobs, but the chances of suffering catastrophic injuries increases at large workplace or construction site. If you were injured, or if a loved one was killed in a workplace accident, it is important to find a lawyer who can effectively guide you through the legal process.

Marc June represents clients who were injured because of electrocution accidents, defective construction machinery, defective industrial equipment and oil well explosions. The firm has nearly 30 years of experience representing clients in workplace accident cases, including those involving:

When an accident occurs in the workplace, the injured worker may be eligible for workers' compensation or LHWCA benefits. However, many people do not know how to file their claim or prove they are eligible for benefits. Mr. June helps people file their claims for full recovery against third parties.

Speak With Personal Injury Lawyer Marc June

Contact the Law Office of Marc June today for your free initial consultation. If you cannot travel because of your injury, Mr. June will come to you. Marc June's full-service, statewide law practice extends its respected personal injury legal services to all workplace accident victims in Alaska on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will owe nothing until settlement damages are recovered for you. Marc June has almost 30 years of experience fighting for and winning on behalf of people who were injured in workplace accidents.

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Phone: 907.244.8978